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Automated delivery for pre-folds

The pharma is a delivery for the classic prefold products, developed for pharmaceutical printing.

The pharma is a delivery system for classic pre-fold products, developed for pharmaceutical lightweight paper printing in the grammage range from 35 grams. Companies which work with the pharma increase their net performance by up to 100%.

The most time-intensive operation in the production of pharmaceutical pre-folds is jogging the stacks. This requires a high degree of skill from the operator because the stacks usually consist of 250 or 500 folded products with a very low grammage. The pharma reduces this task to an absolute minimum and the operator receives the jogged stack from the delivery system with edge-accurate quality.

The automatic delivery is currently available in two versions: the pharma800 with up to five-up and the pharma1000 with up to six-up production.

  • Location (behind): Folding machines
  • User: Companies producing pharmaceutical lightweight paper printing
  • Benefits: Increase in net performance of up to 100%, jogged stack with edge-accurate quality, performance increase for production line
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The name palamides has stood for partnership, quality and inventiveness for more than 25 years.

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Our delivery systems for the printing and packaging industry cover almost all applications with their numerous options. Expand your production processing capacities with a professional delivery system and increase the efficiency of the entire production chain — without additional labor! Make your choice.

Mark-free automated delivery

Perfect layflat binding

Versatile automated delivery

Industry 4.0 toolkit

Small footprint, flexible automated delivery

Automatic sheet stacker

Automated delivery for pre-folds

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